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Galbally National School, Galbally, Co. Limerick


2020/2021 School Year

12th Feb 2021
We love to bake in Galbally NS especially around the time of our birthdays! Sometimes...
5th Feb 2021
18/12/20 We would like to say a sincere thanks to every one who supported our Hamper...
5th Feb 2021
16/12/20 Thank you very much to Mitchelstown Credit Union and Mitchelstown Gardai...
3rd Feb 2021
Our Park and Stride initiative was established as part of our work in achieving our...
3rd Feb 2021
In part completion of our Green Schools Flag for Water the Green Schools Committee...
16th Dec 2020
16/12/20 Santa at PreschoolThere was great excitement today when Santa dropped by...
9th Dec 2020
8th December. We got dressed up in our Green & White and made a video message...
2nd Dec 2020
05/11/2020 Today we were delighted to welcome well known local man Tim Ryan. Tim...
2nd Dec 2020
20/11/2020: Remembrance Tree. Its November, the time of year when we like to remember...