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Galbally National School, Galbally, Co. Limerick

Galbally N.S Parent's Association Fundraising Drive-in Bingo 21/11/21

13th Dec 2021

Thank You. We would like to thank the Parents Association and everyone who attended and supported the recent Drive in Bingo which was a great success. Thanks to sponsors, Hinchy's Garage, Marie Carroll dry cleaning and laundry services, Saul Contractors ltd, Cummins Shop, McGrath Oil and Ger Fahy Lissard Consulting. A special mention to T.O. Park who were so generous in facilitating the event. Thanks to everyone who helped,assisted and supported the event in any way. Lastly thanks to Galbally RFC for the use of their facilities. Local fundraising is very important to our school. It enables us to offer a greater variety of activities to our students. Monies raised through local fundraising this term will help towards the purchase of additional levelled readers for our guided reading programme in the lower to middle classes. We also will be able to subsidise a virtual visit to the Helix for their Christmas Pantomime. This is something all students will be able to avail of. We have also been able to offer students extra sports coaching for senior classes. GRMA